Housekeeper Recommendation Letter: A recommendation letter is often required when applying for a job and housekeeper job is no exception. A letter of recommendation for housekeeper comes in handy when a housekeeper is applying for a job. The basic purpose of writing such a letter is to highlight the skills, abilities, work ethics, and character of a housekeeper. This type of letter is usually written by previous employer or someone who has worked closely with them.

Before hiring any candidate, an employer requires a reference letter to know how an applicant has worked with the previous employer. This is the reason, a letter of recommendation for a previous employer or supervisor carries significant weight in the hiring process. Through this letter, prospective employer can get to know the housekeeper’s work experience, skills, and qualifications, etc.

Letter of Recommendation for Housekeeper

Dear [Hiring Manager].

I am writing this letter to provide a recommendation for [applicant name] for the position of housekeeper. I have known [name] for number of months/years]. She worked as a housekeeper for me for six months. During that time, She has demonstrated excellent work ethics, discipline, and always on time. It was a huge help to have her as a housekeeper.

She is a reliable and dedicated worker, organized the entire house for me very well. I have employed several housekeepers over the years, but no one was as much dedicated as her. Apart from the great work ethics, She is a great communicator who is always willing to listen to feedback and make adjustments to their work accordingly.

I highly recommend [name] for the position of housekeeper. She is a hard worker, excellent cleaner, and a responsible person. I am sure she will continue to do great work where ever she is working. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [phone/email].


[Your Name]

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How to Write Housekeeper Reference Letter?

As a writer, you must be facing a dilemma of what to include in a letter and what not. Or what’s the correct way to write such letters. Well, we have already shared a sample that you can use. Below we have shared some points that you should consider while writing a letter of recommendation for housekeeper.

1. make sure to introduce yourself, how do you know the applicant, etc.
2. mention the skills, abilities, character, qualification of an applicant.
3. you can also provide insight into the housekeeper’s personal qualities, such as reliability, trustworthiness, and attention to detail.
4. provide your contact information in case more information is needed.

Overall, a housekeeper recommendation letter can be a valuable asset in helping the housekeeper secure employment or establish their professional reputation. This letter is a testament to their skills, work ethic, and character. Having a strong reference letter can make the applicant’s job profile more stronger.


Writing such letters does not come naturally to most of us and these days no one has enough time to write a letter from scratch, this is why here we have shared a sample letter for assistance. All you need to do is download an editable sample letter, make the necessary changes, and your letter is ready.

For more such recommendation letters, you need to browse this site more because hundreds of sample letters are available here for free download in an editable and printable format.