Recommendation Letter from Coach for Student is helpful for student to get an admission or job. Below we have shared an editable sample letter that can be used for writing a proper letter of recommendation. As a coach, if you are asked by a student to write a reference letter then do check out the sample below and use it for your writing. Writing any type of letter becomes a lot easier once there is a sample letter or template to take reference from.

Letter of Recommendation for Athlete from Coach

Dear {Admission Committee},

I am writing this letter to highly recommend {Student’s Name} for admission to {University}. I have been {Student’s Name} soccer coach for {number of years} at {school’s name}. During that time, I have seen him grown into an outstanding athlete, disciplined students, and person of great character who is confident and thrive for excellence.

{Student’s Name} joined my team {team name} and he has been an integral player of our team since then throughout his high school. He is a very disciplined individual, great work ethics, exceptional skills, and most importantly a great team player. I have always seen him working hard, encouraging others, and strive for excellence both on and off the field.

I believe that {Student’s Name} would be an outstanding addition to the {university}. He is a talented young man with incredible footwork and a great drive to succeed. I am sure he will continue to do great both academically and athletically, and I am confident that he will make a significant contribution to {University} and beyond.

If you need any other information, please feel free to contact me any time at {phone/email}.


{Your Name}

Download Link >>>>> Recommendation Letter from Coach for Student in .Doc

Sample Recommendation Letter from Coach for Student

Letter of Recommendation for Athlete from Coach

PDF | Word

How to Write a Recommendation Letter from Coach?

As a coach, if a student has asked you to write a recommendation letter then you can share your observations and insights about a student-athlete and highlight their strengths and accomplishments. Below we have mentioned some of the points that you can consider while writing a letter of recommendation for athlete student.

  • Start the letter with an introduction, mention your relationship with the students and for how long you have known him or her and in what capacity you’ve worked with them.
  • Make sure to highlight student-athlete’s strengths, skills, and abilities.
  • Mention any notable accomplishments or achievements that the student-athlete has achieved while working with you.
  • A coach is someone who can speak to the student-athlete’s character and how they have demonstrated it on and off the field.
  • End a letter with a clear recommendation and offer your contact information in case the recipient has any questions or needs further information.
  • Make sure proofread the letter once before sending it.

Writing such letter consume a lot of time and efforts, this is why here we have sample letters and templates. You can choose to download an editable sample letter, make the necessary changes or add your own details, and your letter is ready. Making a letter of recommendation is a work of few minutes once you have a good recommendation sample letter with you.