On this page, you can find out the sample letter of recommendation for country club membership. Writing a recommendation letter can be little confusing specially when you’re writing it for the first time. This is why we advise people to check out the sample letter in order to know where to start and how to write a letter of recommendation. The whole purpose of writing this recommendation letter is to highlights the qualities that a country club appreciates.

This type of letter should be written by a person who knows you and willing to give a recommendation on your behalf. Keep the tone of this letter professional, formal, and sincere.

More Recommendation Letters

Country Club Recommendation Letter

Dear {Recipient’s Name},

My name is {Your Name} and I’m a member of {Club’s Name} country club. I’m writing this letter to recommend {Name} for membership in our establishment.

I have known {Name} for over {number of months/years}{He/She} is my friend and colleague. I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with [Name], and came to know that [he/she] is a good golf player as well.

{Name} is interested to be a member of {Club’s Name} and has applied for the same. I believe {he/she} will be a very appropriate addition to our country club community. {He/she} is doctor by profession who understand the etiquette of being a part of the professional establishment. {His/her} golf skills will surely add challenge to our established ranks. I look forward to playing with him, once you have approved his application.


{Your Name}

Download >>> Country Club Recommendation Letter in .DOC Editable Format

What to Include in a Recommendation Letter?

If you are writing a letter of recommendation for someone then you should include the following information:

  • mention who you are
  • what’s your connection with the person you’re recommending
  • why a person is qualified
  • mention the skills of a person


The utilization of the sample letter make the process of writing a recommendation letter easier and more fluent. We advise people to always check out the sample letter, take reference from it and write your own letter of recommendation. For more useful sample letters, you need to keep checking this site.