On this page you can see a letter of recommendation for student/athlete who is applying for admission in a sports program. This sample letter is written by a coach/teacher/mentor to recommend his or her student for admission in another sports program or academy. Writing such a letter does not come naturally to most people and this is why here we have shared a sample letter or example. Check out the sample letter below to see how this type of letter is written. You can download a sample letter from here in an editable .DOC format and make changes in it as per your need.

Letter of Recommendation for Sports Student

Dear Mr. {Name},

It’s my great pleasure to write this recommendation letter for {Name} who has applied for your {sport} athletic program at {program}{Name} has been a part of the cricket team at {program} where I have been {Name}’s coach for the last {amount of time}. I have seen him grow as a professional over the years and I’m confident that he is a good fit for your athletic program.

{Name} is one of the most talented players I’ve coached within my 12 years of coaching experience. He/She is dedicated for the sports and puts hours of working every day to sharpen his skills or abilities. He/She came to my program with a lot of raw talent and enthusiasm, I have seen him/her grow from a amateur to a professional. He/She is committed to improve by being receptive to feedback and spending many hours training outside of practice.

{Name}’s stats are impressive and he worked hard to achieve them. Apart from setting some personal records, he/she is a great team player as well. His positive attitude and respect for the game is admirable. Overall, he/she is an excellent academically with great athletic capabilities and skills. I have always seen him being kind and respectful towards everyone, there has never been an instance where he had broken any rules or guidelines.

Keeping his/her skills and athletic abilities into consideration, I would like to recommend him for your program at ______. I’m sure he/she will bring a lot on the table and can help your team just like he helped mine. If you need any information, then please feel free to contact me at _______

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


Download Recommendation Letter for Sports in .DOC format


Now you have a sample letter of recommendation for sport student or athlete. Download a sample letter from here in an editable format and use it as a reference for writing your own letter of recommendation. This site is loaded with hundreds of recommendation letter, check this site for more useful recommendation or reference letters.