On this page, you can find out letter of recommendation for kindergarten student. This recommendation letter can be used with the application letter for admission. Recommendation letter or reference letters are taken into consideration and they strengthen the admission application, this is why here we have shared a sample recommendation letter for kindergarten. Here you can see a recommendation letter from a teacher of a school recommending a child to a kindergarten/primary school.

A well written reference letter strengthen the admission profile and allow parents in convincing the school that the child is a good fit for the school. Check out the sample letter below and download it for your reference.

Recommendation Letter for Kindergarten Student Examples

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is ______ and I teach at _______. I am writing this letter to recommend _________ for admission into your school’s kindergarten class. I taught _______ in my preschool class for two years and came to know him well in this duration.

He is sweet, smart, and enthusiastic student who is always ready to learn new concepts. He is well prepared for kindergarten, knows how words are formed, can write down all the alphabets and can count upto 100.

_______ is a quick learner academically and socially. He is an outgoing child and has many friends. I have always seen home polite, well behaved, and following all the class rules with sincerity.

I am confident that ___________ is a natural learner who will embrace the challenges in your program. Please feel free to contact me at ________ in case you need more information.


Download Recommendation Letter for Kindergarten Student

What Is A Letter Of Recommendation for Student?

A letter of recommendation for student is a reference letter usually written by teacher, mentor, coach, etc that contains the information about a student’s character, qualifications, skills, abilities, talents, etc. This letter is generally written by a teacher or school principal. The purpose of writing such letter is to prove their students’ capabilities and support their academic or career aspirations.

This type of letter comes in handy when a student is applying for admission in abroad for further studies or applying for a job or internship. Education and Job institutes consider the recommendation letter to keep a check on the student’s qualification and skills.

A well written recommendation letter from a teacher may help a student stand out from other candidates. Writing such letters does not come naturally to many people and this is a time consuming process. This is the reason we have shared sample recommendation letter examples on this site. Check out the sample letter here and use it as a writing reference.