Gun Permit character reference letter is required when it comes to applying for a gun license or permit. Getting a gun licence or permit is not easy, there is a proper legal process that has to be followed for getting a license. A character reference letter may strengthen your gun license application this is why most of the applicants seeks for a reference letter.

In this page, we have covered the sample letter of Character Reference for Gun License/Permit. Writing such letter does not come naturally to most out of us. This is why we have shared a sample letter and template, use any of the letter from here to make your own reference letter.

Sample Character Reference Letter for Gun License/Permit

To whom it my concern,

I am writing this letter to provide character reference for {Applicant’s Name} in the support of his/her application for a gun license. I have known {Applicant’s Name} for more than {years}. I have been {Applicant’s Name}‘s {boss, teacher, co-worker, etc} and I have known him/her enough to confidently attest to his/her clean record and great character.

{Applicant’s Name} is a person of good character and a family person. {Name} is a very responsible and safety minded person, I have seen him/her remains calm and positive in a very challenging situations. He/She has a clean record, never abused any drugs or alcohol. {Name} has to apply for a gun license due to {specify the reason why gun license is required}.

{Applicant’s Name} understand the responsibility and moral obligation that comes with owing a firearm and he/she is prepared. For the safety of gun, he/she has already purchased safe/locker. I believe that {Applicant’s Name} possess qualities that are required to handle a gun or firearm. I’m confident that {Applicant’s Name} will handle a gun with care and maturity.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


{Your Name}

Link >>>>> Download Gun Permit Character Reference in Editable Version

Download Gun License/Permit Character Reference Template

Character Reference for Gun License

Link >>>>> Editable Character Reference for Gun License

Why Character Reference is Required for Gun Permit?

Carrying a firearm or gun is no joke and a license cannot be given to anybody just because they have applied. There is a proper and detailed legal process that has to be completed and authorities testify the character of a person to ensure a license is given to a responsible citizen who understand the seriousness of carrying a gun or firearm.

A character reference letter for a gun license or permit is required for the following reasons:

Applicant’s Character Assessment

Local law enforcement agency or a licensing board may require character references to assess the character of an applicant. It is important to assess the character to see how suitable an applicant is when it comes to carry a gun or firearm.

Verification of the Identity

Through character reference, you may verify the identity of an applicant. It’s essential to verify the identity because identity frauds could happen.

Background Check

A licensing board is required to check the background of an applicant as a part of legal process. A character reference may compliment the background check by providing some crucial information such as how an applicant behaves in challenging and pressure situation, how good he/she is when it comes to handle a heated situation.

Responsible Behaviour

A character reference can attest how responsible and reliable an applicant is. Gun permit or license is given to responsible citizens after a proper legal process and background check.

Legal Requirement

As a part of the legal process, it is mandatory to submit one or more character references at many places. As an applicant, you must get one or more reference letters to strengthen your application.

Such type of letters are written by someone who knows the applicant very well. If you are applying for a gun permit or license then consider getting a license from someone who knows you well and can positively attest your character.

For those who are writing such letters, please ensure to write truth only. If you are not pretty sure about the person’s credibility then simply say NO to write a letter. Keep in mind that irresponsible person should never get an access to a gun or firearm because it’s not good for a society and community.